WordPress database error: [Table 'mgdtuapauf.plum_masterslider_sliders' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM plum_masterslider_sliders WHERE status='published' ORDER BY ID DESC

Our Story - Plum Agencies

WordPress database error: [Table 'mgdtuapauf.plum_masterslider_options' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM plum_masterslider_options WHERE option_name = 'custom_inline_style'

WordPress database error: [Table 'mgdtuapauf.plum_masterslider_options' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM plum_masterslider_options WHERE option_name = 'masterslider_custom_css_ver'


Our Story

More and more companies have started to outsource their sales & merchandising to professionals who specialise in this area and already have great relationships.

We can be categorised as a results driven, with strong skills in relationship building, identifying and solving problems, and a particular focus on getting the job done.

With over 15 years in the FMCG market and strong ties to the industry, this is invaluable for our clients as this will set you up with a Plum start to get you where you need to be quicker.

If this sounds like you, let’s chat about how we can grow your business by partnering with us.

Until we speak next,