WordPress database error: [Table 'mgdtuapauf.plum_masterslider_sliders' doesn't exist]
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Sales - Plum Agencies

WordPress database error: [Table 'mgdtuapauf.plum_masterslider_options' doesn't exist]
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WordPress database error: [Table 'mgdtuapauf.plum_masterslider_options' doesn't exist]
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Have you ever heard that it is near impossible to get your products into the right store chains in New Zealand?

Are you fed up with the headache of finding the right sales team to champion your brands efficiently and effectively?

Finding the right merchandising staff has become more important than ever due to the number of products in the market growing every single day and the number of shelves are not growing to keep up.

You might be noticing it yourself when you walk around stores too, with products getting less and less space and some items being removed from week to week.

With our years of experience in the industry we have seen what makes a product succeed and fail within our industry.

Our experience will rocket your results by:

  • Getting the ball rolling immediately with our existing store relationships
  • Saving you time, as we know the actual processes—we don’t reinvent the wheel
  • Immediate cost savings galore as we cover all those expenses in our overheads (makes it easier for you to budget)
  • Increasing your brand speed to market—Training new sales staff can take up to 6 months to get meaningful results, we get them from the word go
  • Provide cover to your current sales reps when they are away

Register for a FREE NO OBLIGATION coffee meeting so we can show you why we stand out above the rest and where we can instantly save you money.

We have decided to limit the number of companies to partner with. For your brand to be given the right attention and focus we need to know our customers inside and out. No need to worry that your brands will be just another number or worse …lost in a crowd. So get in quick to secure our services.

You can call us on 0204 1832771 or fill in the simple form below to secure your meeting.